Applying for HPC compute resources

As part of the German National High Performance Computing Alliance ( we offer computing resources to the German scientific community, that is to say to scientists at German universities or research institutions located in Germany. The NHR South-West consortium consists of the universities of Frankfurt, Kaiserslautern, Mainz, and Saarland. The projects may apply multi-million core hours of the computing resources available in MOGON II and the next cluster MOGON II.

While projects up to 6 million core hours can be applied at any time, large projects for more than 6 million core hours per year will be granted on a quarterly basis. Regular projects have a duration of 12 month by default.

Important dates

Quarterly start dates for major projects
01.01., 01.04., 01.07., 01.10.
Next application deadline
28 February 2023, 18:00 CET
Allocation period for awarded proposals 12 months

Available resources

MOGON II offers 836 compute nodes, each with 20 cores (2x Intel 2630v4) and 1.136 compute nodes, each with 32 cores (2x Intel 6130 Gold) with memory between 64GB and 1.5TB connected with 100Gbps Omni-Path. Each node offers local SSD storage of 150GB or 350GB.
Additionally, 29 GPU nodes with 6 GTX 1080Ti are available.
Parallel file system with 5PB project space is available.

MOGON III will be available during 2023.

Application process

Until the centralized application portal of the NHR is online please use the AHRP (Antrag) application form.

Project sizes are
1) < 1.2 million core hours (project class M, 100 NE per month)
2) < 6.0 million core hours (project class L, 500 NE per month)
3) > 6.0 million core hours (project class XL, >500 NE per month)
(1NE = 1000 core hours)

Large projects (XL) should provide a well defined work plan and scaling curves or references to scaling behaviour in the proposal. The amount of project storage should also be outlined and justified as well. Additional information about I/O (bandwith, IOPS, access-pattern) is welcome.

If you have not used MOGON II before, we recommend that you apply for a test project at first. You will get quick access to the cluster and will be able to test your code and perform scaling tests that are recommended for an application for larger projects.

Proposals should include all information as requested by the form at AHRP-Antrag. Additionally, please provide

  • your scientific field as categorised by the DFG
  • the province of the cooperation partners in the project who will use the resources if applicable
  • information about your other HPC proposals on the same topic at other HPC centers
  • information about data confidentiality

Compute projects in the context of approved BMBF-,DFG-proposals,ERC-proposals may undergo a simplified review process. A solid technical description is still required.

The steering committee will approve or reject projects based on the results of a technical review at the JGU/NHR and a scientific peer review if applicable.


Please acknowledge the resources and the support provided by the JGU Mainz, i.e.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the computing time granted on the supercomputer MOGON II at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz as part of NHR South-West (

A final report should be submitted within 3 months after the end of the project. The final reports will be published by the NHR regularly and by the AHRP every two years on

The rules of the AHRP apply.


If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact: